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My Secret Botoplatinum

Určení: zlepšení vzhledu výrazových linií, expresní optická výplň vrásek, náročná pleť.

Cena platiny často výrazně převyšuje cenu zlata. V kosmetologii nové generace proto představuje nedocenitelnou složku, působící proti známkám času.
V rámci výzkumu nové oblasti využití vzácných kovů bylo zjištěno, že koloidní platina disponuje schopností proniknout do mezibuněčných prostor pleti. Koloidní platina v kombinaci s dalšími super aktivními složkami, jako jsou rostlinné kmenové buňky a kyselina hyaluronová, urychluje proces obnovy poškození pleti, který je způsoben přirozeným stárnutím.  Peptidy snižují intenzitu kontrakcí mimických svalů a tím dochází k vyhlazení vrásek.
Aktivní látky, aplikované v řadě MY SECRET, byly ověřeny IN VIVO a IN VITRO studiemi, které potvrdily jejich účinnost.

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Reduction of deep wrinkles and improvement of expression lines appearance.
Express optical filling of wrinkles.

My secret botoplatinum it is the result of the latest researches and knowledges of cosmetology  in the field of effects of super-active ingredients, developed for wrinkle reduction and skin ageing prevention. 

The price of platinum often significantly exceeds the price of gold.  In cosmetology of new generation, it therefore represents an invaluable component acting against the signs of time. 
The research of new areas of precious metals usage shows, that colloidal platinum has the ability to penetrate the intercellular areas of human skin. Colloidal platinum, in combination with other super active ingredients, such as plant stem cells and hyaluronic acid, accelerates the recovery process of skin damage caused by natural aging. Peptides reduce the intensity of facial muscles contractions, causing elimination of wrinkles.
The active ingredients applied in the MY SECRET product line, were verified by IN VIVO and IN VITRO studies, which have confirmed their efficacy.


•  Colloidal  platinum - precious platinum in the form of negatively charged nanoparticles stabilizes the skin and the microbial flora. It produces myorelaxing and brightening effect.

•  Peptides (Acetyl Hexapeptide - 8, Pentapeptide - 18) are applied to the skin externally, acting on wrinkles by the same mechanism of effect as the injected botulinum toxin.
They reduce the depth of wrinkles and improve the look of expression lines. They only induce muscle relaxation, without changing facial mimics and, unlike botulinum toxin, they do not cause muscle paralysis. They are safe and gentle.  *Proven wrinkle reduction effect after one week of application.

•  Alteromonas from deep-see algae - stimulates synthesis of collagen and elastin. It works as express optical filling of wrinkles, immediately after application.
*Proven optical reduction of wrinkle depth by 15% for a period of up to 6 hours. 

• Hyaluronic Acid of second generation - unlike the preceding forms, it works on the level of intercellular communication, providing long lasting hydrating and immediate skin tensioning effect. *(50 – 3,000 kDa) - atomic mass unit, Dalton.

•  BIOsaccharide - intensive and long-lasting hydrating effect on skin, suitably complementing the effect of hyaluronic acid. It gives the skin a velvety look.

• Plant stem cells - the molecular recovery factor stimulates self-healing skin function and cell regeneration.

• Alfa-Bisabolol - natural soothing ingredient.

•  Medilan™ - it has the ability to create lipoid bilayers, regenerates the skin surface.

•  Shea butter - natural ingredient for skin protection.

Cream - for clean skin, in the morning and evening, massage in with gentle strokes and taps.



Reduction of deep wrinkles and improvement of expression lines appearance.
Express optical filling of wrinkles.

My secret botoplatinum it is the result of the latest researches and knowledges of cosmetology  in the field of effects of super-active ingredients, developed for wrinkle reduction and skin ageing prevention. 

The price of platinum often significantly exceeds the price of gold.  In cosmetology of new generation, it therefore represents an invaluable component acting against the signs of time. 
The research of new areas of precious metals usage shows, that colloidal platinum has the ability to penetrate the intercellular areas of human skin. Colloidal platinum, in combination with other super active ingredients, such as plant stem cells and hyaluronic acid, accelerates the recovery process of skin damage caused by natural aging. Peptides reduce the intensity of facial muscles contractions, causing elimination of wrinkles.
The active ingredients applied in the MY SECRET product line, were verified by IN VIVO and IN VITRO studies, which have confirmed their efficacy.


•  Colloidal  platinum - precious platinum in the form of negatively charged nanoparticles stabilizes the skin and the microbial flora. It produces myorelaxing and brightening effect.

•  Peptides (Acetyl Hexapeptide - 8, Pentapeptide - 18) are applied to the skin externally, acting on wrinkles by the same mechanism of effect as the injected botulinum toxin.
They reduce the depth of wrinkles and improve the look of expression lines. They only induce muscle relaxation, without changing facial mimics and, unlike botulinum toxin, they do not cause muscle paralysis. They are safe and gentle.  *Proven wrinkle reduction effect after one week of application.

•  Alteromonas from deep-see algae - stimulates synthesis of collagen and elastin. It works as express optical filling of wrinkles, immediately after application.
*Proven optical reduction of wrinkle depth by 15% for a period of up to 6 hours. 

• Hyaluronic Acid of second generation - unlike the preceding forms, it works on the level of intercellular communication, providing long lasting hydrating and immediate skin tensioning effect. *(50 – 3,000 kDa) - atomic mass unit, Dalton.

•  BIOsaccharide - intensive and long-lasting hydrating effect on skin, suitably complementing the effect of hyaluronic acid. It gives the skin a velvety look.

• Plant stem cells - the molecular recovery factor stimulates self-healing skin function and cell regeneration.

• Alfa-Bisabolol - natural soothing ingredient.

•  Medilan™ - it has the ability to create lipoid bilayers, regenerates the skin surface.

•  Shea butter - natural ingredient for skin protection.


1. Elixir - for clean skin, in the morning and evening, apply directly into the wrinkle lines. 
2. Cream - for clean skin, in the morning and evening, massage in with gentle strokes and taps.


Contains MY SECRET Botoplatinum Cream 50ml + FREE MY SECRET Botoplatinum Elixir 15ml.



Reduction of deep wrinkles and improvement of expression lines appearance.
Express optical filling of wrinkles.

My secret botoplatinum it is the result of the latest researches and knowledges of cosmetology  in the field of effects of super-active ingredients, developed for wrinkle reduction and skin ageing prevention. 

The price of platinum often significantly exceeds the price of gold.  In cosmetology of new generation, it therefore represents an invaluable component acting against the signs of time. 
The research of new areas of precious metals usage shows, that colloidal platinum has the ability to penetrate the intercellular areas of human skin. Colloidal platinum, in combination with other super active ingredients, such as plant stem cells and hyaluronic acid, accelerates the recovery process of skin damage caused by natural aging. Peptides reduce the intensity of facial muscles contractions, causing elimination of wrinkles.
The active ingredients applied in the MY SECRET product line, were verified by IN VIVO and IN VITRO studies, which have confirmed their efficacy.


•  Colloidal  platinum - precious platinum in the form of negatively charged nanoparticles stabilizes the skin and the microbial flora. It produces myorelaxing and brightening effect.

•  Peptides (Acetyl Hexapeptide - 8, Pentapeptide - 18) are applied to the skin externally, acting on wrinkles by the same mechanism of effect as the injected botulinum toxin.
They reduce the depth of wrinkles and improve the look of expression lines. They only induce muscle relaxation, without changing facial mimics and, unlike botulinum toxin, they do not cause muscle paralysis. They are safe and gentle.  *Proven wrinkle reduction effect after one week of application.

•  Alteromonas from deep-see algae - stimulates synthesis of collagen and elastin. It works as express optical filling of wrinkles, immediately after application.
*Proven optical reduction of wrinkle depth by 15% for a period of up to 6 hours. 

• Hyaluronic Acid of second generation - unlike the preceding forms, it works on the level of intercellular communication, providing long lasting hydrating and immediate skin tensioning effect. *(50 – 3,000 kDa) - atomic mass unit, Dalton.

•  BIOsaccharide - intensive and long-lasting hydrating effect on skin, suitably complementing the effect of hyaluronic acid. It gives the skin a velvety look.

• Plant stem cells - the molecular recovery factor stimulates self-healing skin function and cell regeneration.

• Alfa-Bisabolol - natural soothing ingredient.


Elixir - for clean skin, in the morning and evening, apply directly into the wrinkle lines. 

€74.70 / 15 ml
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